Friday, February 24, 2012

In literal translation, osteoporosis means ...

This is a disease that weakens bones and makes them susceptible to fractures. In osteoporosis literally means bone that is porous (osteo = bone and osteoporosis = porous). This disease affects men and women, but 80% of victims are women. This may be because women are generally smaller bones than men, and in the menopause women lose estrogen protection, which is a major cause of bone strength. Fractures due to osteoporosis of the spine usually affects women after 50 years, and hip fractures begin later, usually in the 70's. Hip fractures occurs later in life and fractures of the spine before, because hip is surrounded by hard bone called cortical bone. The spine consists of a soft spongy bone, without a rigid outer crust covering the bone. This makes the spine more prone to fractures. If you look inside the vertebrae in the spine, it will look somewhat like Swiss cheese. How to develop osteoporosis, bearing structures in the vertebrae break and Swiss cheese holes becomes larger, leading to a weakening of bone and fractures. The very painless. However, as a result of osteoporosis fractures are painful. Moreover, these fractures associated with pain, but with limitations in movement. Reduced mobility that can occur leading to further deterioration of physical condition, which in turn further weakens the muscles and bones. In addition, persistent pain and reduced mobility caused by these fractures can lead to depression. Many patients are unaware that they have osteoporosis until they develop pain. Unfortunately, many patients, their first sign that they have osteoporosis occurs when they develop painful cracks. Aging itself is associated with bone loss, which explains why most of nontraumatic fracture occurs in the elderly. The growth of bone usually occurs about 35 years, then begin a slow decline. Various other disease states such as rheumatoid arthritis, can also be associated with bone loss leading to osteoporosis. Medications, especially long-term use of corticosteroids may lead to bone loss. The goal is to diagnose osteoporosis before a fracture develops. Your doctor will want to get a good history to determine if you have risk factors, and perform a review. Blood tests may be ordered to rule out other diseases that can weaken bones. Test bone density can be obtained, which provides numerical values ​​for bone loss. It compares your bone density from others your age and gender, thus providing a risk assessment you have osteoporsis. Dvuhenerheticheskoy absorbtsiometrii is currently the gold standard for measuring bone density. This test is painless, quick and easily accessible. Good bone health depends on good nutrition with adequate protein and calcium. In addition, exercise is important to keep muscles and bones strong. Ideally, I would like to build more bone mass, and possibly up to 35 years when bone loss usually begins. Calcium is vital for bone strength. Most adults need about 1,000 mg of calcium a day and the period after menopause and pregnant women may need up to 1500 mg per day. If you do not drink milk, calcium can be obtained from other sources such as milk yogurt and cheese. Eight-ounce glass milk contains about 300 mg of calcium. Other foods that contain calcium include dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, Brazil, calcium fortified juices and bread. Your diet may be supplemented with calcium tablets or chewables. Exercises that are appropriate for your age and physical health can contribute to bone and muscles that are attached to bones. This will help reduce the likelihood of fractures. We found that the best exercise for this condition include walking, swimming, water exercise, gardening, and stationary bikes. However, before embarking on any exercise program, you should discuss this with your family doctor. Medications are often used with calcium or treatment of osteoporosis or increased bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. There are currently five classes of drugs used to prevent and treat anabolic powders Five classes listed below, together with the names of one or two popular drugs included in this class: >> << In addition to a healthy diet and exercise program, common sense is important. Lifting should be done with the knees, keeping your back straight. In bed with a pillow neck muscles can help protect the neck and cervical vertebrae. We have foundthe >> << to be very effective. Your home should be safe, to help reduce the risk of falling. In my practice I recommend:

from osteoporosis can benefit from the use of back supports or braces lasix generic online, which provide the lower abdomen and back. This kind of support can be helpful in reducing the load on your back and promote proper curvature of the back. I recommend to use or >> << or. When sitting, it is important to use the chair with good lumbar back support. Lumbar supports, such as pillows Back Freedom circuit can be used in most chairs to reduce spinal pressure and provide support and comfort for the patient's back. .

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