Friday, February 24, 2012

Annual sales of osteoporosis drugs doubled to $ 8.

Annual sales of osteoporosis drugs doubled to $ 8. 3000000000 of 2003, which is a solid indication that many people are kept in ignorance about their serious risks. I warned about this dangerous drug for more than ten years and, finally, enough time has expired for damage that I said if they were used long enough. Osteoporosis is associated with drugs and shortage of medicines this will only get worse, not better, condition. One just need to treat the cause of disease rather than symptoms. The irony is that Fosamax arenBЂ ™ you do not treat symptoms. You just lie to your body to make dense bone furosemide lasix, which is actually weaker. He does this because Fosamax is a poison that kills cells in the bone that will help your body repair and replacement of bone. Is Osteoporosis drugs, leading to Broken Bones? Fosamax is prescribed primarily for women suffering from osteoporosis, to make bones stronger and prevent fractures of the disease. Recently, preparations were naturally thinning bones as you get older, though no conclusive benefit was found. Over the past couple of years, orthopedists, found that more women taking these drugs suffer from a serious hip fractures - usually rare. There are reports of bone BЂњsnapping as a twig, BЂ "even during normal daily activities, which again is very rare as your femur (thigh) is one of the strongest bones in your body! This prompted researchers to look into this matter, although the results came back inconclusive. The report, published in

New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers wrote:

BЂњThere no significant increase in risk associated with the use of bisphosphonates, but the study was suitable for definitive conclusions. BЂ "

In other words, the appearance thighbonesBЂ ™ binding rare and it didnBЂ ™ t happen very often in the course of research to really understand this or that or drugs played a role. However, this did not prevent Dennis M. Black, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco, lead author of the study, said in

New York Times BЂњThere risks we know about and the risks we donBЂ ™ t know about all the drugs. I think people will natsYive assume no risk. BЂ "

Well said. In the case of osteoporosis drugs, these risks are well known. Fosamax, besides drug used to strengthen bones, associated with so many harmful side effects, the bones of his mind boggles. The irony is understatement. Even reports of hip fractures is not new. Recently it was reported that the Food and Drug Administration asked Merck (manufacturer of Fosamax), to report information about BЂњadd hip fracturesBЂ "to medicationsBЂ ™ liners in 2008! More than a year later, they finally did. Not surprisingly, Merck also tried to hide the fact that Fosamax causes jaw death, the disease is now known, maxillofacial surgeons, as

-- unpleasant side effect of Fosamax and related drugs, in fact makes your jaw rot and decompose. Increased risk of serious bisphosphonates drugs such as Fosamax, Actonel and bonds, is problematic, because they remain in bone indefinitely and disrupt the normal process of bone regeneration. Healthy bones maintain their strength in a continuous process of bone breakdown and recovery. Osteoclasts are cells that destroy your bone, and osteoblasts are the cells to recover it. Fosamax and similar drugs to poison your osteoclasts, constantly killing them, so that the normal recovery process of bone ends. Your bones get really tightly. However, dense bones are not stronger bones, which is part of it donBЂ ™ t tell you. In fact, after all your bones become weaker and more prone to fracture. Why? Because bone is a dynamic structure that requires the removal of patients with bone and replacement of new bone to stay strong. Fosamax will not build new bone. It kills only the cells that break bone down so your bones do not receive benefits from their natural regenerative processes. For women who took the drug for five years or more, their bones literally lost the ability to regenerate, and that is why many people face more fragile bones and fractures. ItBЂ ™ tragic that drugs like Fosamax previously touted as the answer to osteoporosis. These simple suggestions will help you maintain or increase your strength of bones safe and natural way, without using drugs that could cause even more damage:

increase consumption of vegetables and is based on your body. If you can not have the recommended amount of vegetables you need every day, you can try. Food quality, organic, biodynamic, local food production, natural increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Avoid processed foods. If you eat a diet full of processed foods, it will carry out biochemical and metabolic conditions in the body that will reduce bone density, thus avoiding processed foods is the first step in the right direction. Eat healthy, and, especially, to reduce or eliminate the number of processed vegetable oils such as corn, canola, safflower, soybean, and that you consume. Most everyone should take a high quality animal-based omega-3 fats. I recommend krill oil, as I think itBЂ ™ s. , Grain protein, which has been shown to decrease bone density. Gluten contained in wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelled. Which enhance bone damage due to depletion of bone calcium. Avoid steroids, especially if you have asthma or any other autoimmune diseases. Steroids. Consider supplementing if you do not get enough just from food. Vitamin K2 is a biological "glue" that helps plug calcium into your bone matrix. The dose is 185 micrograms a day. Such as natto, typically have the highest concentration of vitamin K contained in the human diet and can provide several milligrams of vitamin K2 on a daily basis .. Vitamin D is built your bone density. Exercise. Studies show that exercise is just as important for your bone health, as is a diet rich in calcium. as weight training especially helpful here. Consider that can increase bone strength. It does this by acting as a growth promoter in osteoblasts (cells that build bone). For more information about progesterone, please review. .

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